Wave or waves Bono Bono Bono or Wave which is a natural phenomenon, it can simply be informed that the waves Bono is meeting the rising tide of sea water with the river flow from upstream towards the estuary (downstream). In the study of Environmental Fluid Mechanics (Environmental Fluid Mechanics), Bono called tidal bore or bore / Aegir / eagre / eygre. Scientifically, wave bono is one of the natural events are quite rare and infrequent. Where we will witness a big wave like happened in the middle of the sea, but this occurred in a freshwater river. Bono wave occurs due to a conflict of three streams of water coming from the Malacca Strait, south china sea and the water flow of the Kampar River. As a result of this collision, making waves in Kampar river mouth can reach a height of 4-5 meters with previously characterized by a terrific roar. It is a scientific phenomenon that will be trusted by the intellectuals alone.
Bono waves or sometimes also called Wave Bono (Bono Wave) occurs when the time of high tide (high tide) occurring in the Kampar River enters the sea. Kampar River water speed toward the ocean currents collide with sea water entering the Kampar River. The second clash of currents that caused the wave or waves. Bono will occur only when the tides. And will be even greater if at the time of seawater experienced ups and large (large moon) accompanied by heavy rain in the upper reaches of the Kampar River. The swift currents of the river due to rain will collide with the swift tide coming into Kuala Kampar.
A unique natural phenomenon that finally dimamfaatkan by some people for surfing (surfing) on the river rokan and Kampar river, waves are also very long, do not like the waves in the sea which is just a short, choppy surf on the river is sometimes up to 40 minutes in length, Wowo .. . !!! Cool is not it. unil this phenomenon did not only happen in Indonesia but also in Brazil. Check out all the video in the surf on the river "The exciting Bono Pelalawan, Riau, Indonesia"
Bono usually occurs on any date 13-18 (middle) in the calculation of the Hegira calendar (locals call in Malay and Arabic year). Residents call it the "Moon" or the "full moon". Normally wave or waves Bono Bono that occur in 13-16 months the Arab Melayu year. The waves that occur normally be white and brown color of the water by the Kuala Kampar. In addition, Bono also occurs in every "month of death" that is the end of the month and the beginning of the month (1) Year Arab / AH.
This is an opportunity for you to invest in this area, of course, by setting up hotels, surfing equipment, and others. let alone every year the festival held regularly surfing bono
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