Chart cultivation of mussels in Panimbang Banten Indonesia
Green Shellfish is a commodity in the village Panimbangjaya Panimbang Pandeglang District of Banten Province. in addition to the number of its extensive cultivation area of about 2300 hectares, the quality of green mussels is one of the best in Indonesia and are free of heavy metals and safe to consume (see Data Jurnal Pasca Panen dan Bioteknologi Kelautan dan Perikanan ) however with broad acre farming at it but now there are only about 10 Bagan cultivation of mussels and yet dimamfaatkan all, this is an opportunity and a gap for you to invest in this business.
however with broad acre farming at it but now there are only about 10 Bagan cultivation of mussels and unused all, because this business has not been used as a main business for the surrounding communities. This is an opportunity and a gap for you to invest in this business.
the method used for the cultivation of these is a method chart menggunalan step by step on the media in bamboo and rope rope strung in seawater. with 1 unit size chart measuring 10 x 25 meter chart is capable of producing 15 tons of mussels for 6 months. for 1 unit chart mussels require 250 culms, 350 Kg rope, and the cost for the installation of the chart. it all costs only about $ 2,000 Us.
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