Business opportunities internet cafes in Indonesia

In 2010, the cafe is a business opportunity that is promising to be executed by anyone, whether by students, public, office workers, to serve as a sideline while running the preoccupations of each.

But mid 2012 until this year, the Internet cafe business opportunities developed more rapidly and cafe business is one business opportunity that is promising this year.

Well, for those of you who were glance this cafe business, many of which you should consider before you run it, the following is a rough analysis we'll cafe business opportunities and profit and loss forecasts that you will get when running a cafe business opportunities.

Before running the cafe business, surely you must know in advance the system, such as determining the type of business your cafe. Is the standard Internet cafes, online games and watch market. Here are some types of businesses cafe and analysis.

Standard cafe, the cafe Game Online
1. Figuring standard
Advantages of open standard cafe business compared to opening a special cafe business online games or more:
Specifications can use a standard computer, such as a Pentium 3 or Pentium II important flash disk can enter.
Price PC complete with monitor about 1 to 1.5 million (just look for the former and cheap).
So arithmetic-calculation if Rp. 1,500,000 x 10 units of PC = Rp.15.000.000
In the capital, opened the cafe Business Opportunity standard is more profitable compared to open cafe business devoted to online gaming. But you should know, in 2012 the cafe business opportunities slipped it in because of several factors. Some of them are the cheapening of internet packages offered by Internet providers in Indonesia.
Another factor is already increasing income levels of Indonesian society, so that at least 1 in 5 people who usually become user service cafe already have their own laptop, this will certainly reduce the level cafe business opportunities in urban areas.

2. Figuring Game Online
To open a cafe online game requires a high specification by following the development of the game. Spedifikasi required:
CD ROM & FDD optional
Intel Pentium IV, 2.8 Gh, or AMD Sempron (different brands price difference).
DDR (memory) of at least 512 MB
VGA card at least 128 MB (256 MB).
80 GB hard drive.
Monitor 17 "
Active Sub Woofer Speaker invitation.
Approximate price per PC is currently 4 Jt. So 10 units x Rp.4.000.000 = Rp.40.000.000
What are the Advantages Special Internet cafe business opportunities Online Game?
If this question were asked in 2011 down, then of course the answer to this question is absolutely nothing in it. Because, the year is basically the usefulness of the Internet cafe to play surf alone, online gaming is still booming in Indonesia.
However, when asked this year, a special cafe business opportunity online games, has the potential to earn more extra income. Because this year is the number of online games and the higher demand in Indonesia.
Thus, a special cafe business opportunities online gaming, more promising compared to the standard open business service cafe. Unless you open a cafe business in the area that did not exist the cafe there.

Types of Buddhism
1. Game Online
2. Internet (browsing, email, chat)
3. Additional services such as: - Scanning photos and documents,
Search the data,
Download MP3,
Copy CD.
Typing Document

4. Can also sells:
floppy disks,
Blank CD,
Flash Disk,
Soft Drink,

5. Other services that allow:
Services to send and receive FAX
computer and internet courses,
Website making
Indojob cooperation and Forex Trading.
Estimated Capital Costs Enterprises Figuring Bikin
Initial assumptions Enterprises Figuring that you open:
The number of PCs that are rented 10 units.
Channels Internet Access: SOHO package Kabelvision 128 Kbps
Hours 9:00 to 12:00 (15 hours)
Tariff per hour Rp.4.000
Figuring Type: Standard
Goal reached 70%
Estimated Capital Cost figuring Service Business:

Required Amount
10 PC Unit for rent of Rp. 15,000,000
1 Unit PC for Billing Rp. 2,000,000
Billing Software Explorer Rp. 750,000
Cable Modem & Router Rp. 1,500,000
LAN equipment (Switch, cables) Rp. 1,500,000
Black Laser Printer HP1020 Rp. 1,400,000
Colour Printer HP3535 Rp 500,000
Billing Printer (if you need to print the bill) LX300 Rp 700,000
Computer Desks 150,000 x 10 = Rp. 1,500,000
Folding chairs Chitose Rp.130.000 x 15 pcs = Rp. 1.950.000
Plastic chairs (for both) Rp. 25,000 x 10 = Rp. 250,000
The cashier desk and chair Rp. 500,000
Registration Internet & Pay 1 bln USD. 500,000
Installation services cafe & Operator Training Rp. 1,500,000
Total Rp. 30.8 million
That has not been calculated:

Rent a room of at least 4 x 8 M.
air conditioning
Fridge (Showcase for softdrink)
Glass display case (if you want selling).
Partition table each computer (if necessary)
Sample Monthly Fee calculation you will spend a month in the Capital Enterprises Figuring this:

Capital Monthly Fee Juamlah
Internet (Kabelvision & ISP) Rp.1.520.000 (if you use ADSL Rp.4.300.000)
Electricity (using AC) Rp.750.000
Employees (min 2 people) Rp.1.500.000
Tel Office, 500,000 water
Rental space (calculated per month) Rp.1.000.000
PC Maintenance & AC 500,000
Lain2 costs (security, garbage) 200.000
Depreciation 500,000 computers
total Rp.7.470.000
* Sekirangnya You Can Menguranggi costs are Needed

Maximum Revenue Per day Rp.4.000 x 10 pc x 15 hours = Rp. 600,000

Revenue 600,000 per month x 30 hr = Rp.18.000.000 x 70% = Rp.12.600.000 (eg counted only reach the target 70%)


Figuring revenue 70% Rp.12.600.000

The monthly fee Rp.7.470.000

Remaining Rp.5.130.000

Potential which has not been calculated, other revenues such as selling soft drinks, floppy disks, etc. How about 24 hours? Why do not achieve the target of 80 to 90%? Well, that was the end of our discussion about the cafe business opportunities by 2015, along with service cafe business prospects. The cafe business is one business opportunity with capital standards, which ranged between 40 million, up to 100jutaan.

Before opening this business, you should carefully calculate profit and loss calculations and prospects in your area, not in all areas cafe business is not promising, and not in all areas of business are also Internet service remains a promising business opportunity.

Well that analysis to make the cafe business, what do you think? Keen to make this effort? Try to further analyzes the pros and cons.

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