Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are one of the motor of the economy in our country, even according to the information I read in various media information, that micro, small, and medium enterprises (SMEs) are the 'backbone' of the Indonesian economy. Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) which exist in our country accounts for about 60% of GDP (Gross Domestic Product) and also provide employment opportunities in many of our communities. So, the business of SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) in Indonesia will continue to grow and provide business opportunities for those who love the world of entrepreneurship.
Although the business community in Indonesia has developed quite rapidly, not a few of us who struggle to choose the type of business that will be run. The reason is diverse, there is difficult to start a business because of lack of capital, lack of experience, no knowledge of business, do not understand the way business marketing, and many other obstacles. Of course all these constraints and challenges does not make us stop trying to build your own business, because every business is going to always have a challenge that must be passed.
Well for those of you who want to start their own business, here we summarize some of the business of SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises), which is promising, even among them we can run with small capital.

1. SME Business in the Field Culinary

Culinary business is the kind of business that will always be the best-selling of all time, the reason being the food is basic human needs that can not be separated from our lives. This culinary business also has many categories, ranging from snacks (snacks), beverages, to food staples. All categories in this culinary business (snacks, drinks, food staple) has very good potential, depending on the way we market it. One example of a snack culinary business is successful enough to Know Jeletot Taisi business owned by Mr. Rudi of Depok. Enterprises know jeletot spicy marketed through the internet with the franchise system proved fruitless outstanding. Currently employers know jeletot already has many partners around Jabodetabek.
While the culinary business successful enough to categories of business Angkringan main food is rice Cats 78 owned by Mr Bayu of Jogjakarta. This business offers a franchise system and are marketed through online media, and is currently the manager of Rice Angkringan Cats 78 already has many partners in different regions.
In addition to two culinary business that I mentioned above, there are still plenty of business opportunities that you can culinary wrestled. Please read the article about #bisnis other culinary.

2. SME Business in the Field of Fashion

Similarly, the culinary business, the business fashion (clothing) is a type of business with huge potential and it will always be sought after by many people. The reason is very simple, clothes are secondary needs for people, and people now have much desire to model their clothes.
Fashion business has a lot of categories that can be used, for example, the category of clothing man or woman, Muslim clothing, clothing Korean models, and much more. One Muslim fashion business is successful enough Jilbab Rabbani target market specifically targeting Muslim women. Jilbab Rabbani also provide the opportunity for retailers to benefit from the sale of their products by being a reseller.
What's interesting about the fashion business today is, we could could have a fashion business with very minimal capital but the profit potential is quite tempting. Many fashion supplier that offers a system of sales by resellers or dropship, so we just spent a relatively small capital to start this business.

3. Business in the Field of Education

Education is an important asset for the development of each generation of a nation. Arguably the nation's attention to the education of their next generation is a nation that will be successful in all lines. Well, because of the importance of education and the lack of educational facilities that exist in our country, then this could be a business opportunity that can be exploited by those who have the skills or expertise in a particular field.
Actually there are many types of small and medium enterprises engaged in the field of education, one of which is the largest robot educational institutions in Indonesia, namely Robota Robotics School. These educational institutions have not touched all walks of life, but slowly and surely the world of robotics education community will spread throughout Indonesia.
Other examples of SME business in the field of education is English language institutions, the International Language Program (ILP). The development of the world of work and business world that requires us to have the ability in the English language certainly could be a business opportunity. ILP offers its business with a franchise system, so those who are interested in this business can have their own business without having to start from scratch. So, business opportunities in the field of education is very potential.

4. Business in the Automotive Sector

The development of the automotive world in Indonesia is experiencing rapid growth. Just look at the number of motorcycles and cars more and more, of course, this could be a business opportunity for those who are keen to exploit. Automotive business should not be large, important results are favorable and long term.
Some businesses that can be used in the automotive field is a workshop and spare part services, laundry services bike / car, sell vehicle accessories, and much more. There are so many niche in the automotive business that we can use, for example, sells motorcycle helmets. For some people may be selling helmets for granted, but for those who are observant will definitely be able to get huge profit just from selling motorcycle helmets.
5. Business SMEs in the Agribusiness Sector

You've heard the songs Koes Plus "People say our land land of paradise, sticks, wood and stone so the plants ...". Yup, our country is famous for a variety of plants used as food and other needs, ranging from rice, various vegetables, various fruits, and other important crops. The need for food and vegetable nutrients would make agribusiness SME business in the field of agriculture will continue to be required of Indonesian society, we can even export to foreign countries.
Agribusiness SME businesses in other fields is livestock. As we know, animal protein is one of the basic human needs, which is why the livestock business will always be needed. Unfortunately, although the agribusiness breeding success has spawned many millionaires in Indonesia, not many budding entrepreneurs this field for being stodgy and only suitable for rural communities.

6. Business in the Field of Internet Technology

It's no secret that the Internet provides a lot of business opportunities for us. Not only in those who have had a REAL business, but also on those who do not have a business. What I mean here is a business that is specifically built for the long term internet business, or commonly referred to as business #startups.
There are many types of startups in Indonesia, ranging from startups #Ecommerce, online media, applications, and others. One of the unique business startup is a digital comic Si Juki which offers fresh and funny content for readers. Other Indonesian startup is quite popular is Open Stalls, the ecommerce site that pioneered online transaction security. There are still many other startups that are developing in Indonesia, this proves that the online market is a market with huge potential.
The above is 6 SME businesses / SMEs are very promising in the days to come. There may still be some kind of business that we do not write in this article. If you have other business ideas, please add via the comments below. Thank you :)


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