Lots of People Always Dreaming with the effort made to go forward and Booming, when no effort in tekuninya would be a bitter experience, cultivation of oyster mushrooms often fail because of farming techniques and less true. Although it is easy, to consider factors such as the environment, cleanliness and consistency during the treatment. If these factors can not be met by either the outcome was suboptimal even probable potential for causing failures.

White oyster mushroom slightly creamy white body with a diameter of 3-14 cm. These mushrooms have mycelium. Mushroom fruit body is of high economic value and the goal of the oyster mushroom cultivation. Oyster mushroom cultivation techniques ranging from preparation to post harvest so should be noted that businesses really understand that better control of the maintenance and control of plant pests.
Preparing Oyster Mushroom Cultivation
Before planting, the things that support the cultivation of oyster mushrooms must be available, including home kumbung baglog, baglog shelves, oyster mushroom seeds and cultivation equipment. (Can you see articles Preparation Oyster Mushroom Cultivation). Keep the oyster mushroom cultivation using certified seed that can be purchased from other farmers or the local agricultural bureau. Equipment oyster mushroom cultivation is quite simple, affordable prices, we can capitalize even kitchen appliances.
Preparation of Oyster Mushroom Cultivation
Before planting, the things that support the cultivation of oyster mushrooms must be available, including home kumbung baglog, baglog shelves, oyster mushroom seeds and cultivation equipment. (Can you see articles Preparation Oyster Mushroom Cultivation). Keep the oyster mushroom cultivation using certified seed that can be purchased from other farmers or the local agricultural bureau. Equipment oyster mushroom cultivation is quite simple, affordable prices, we can capitalize even kitchen appliances.

To optimize the results in the cultivation of oyster mushrooms in the lowlands can be done with the modification to the media material and measuring, ie, by adding or reducing the dose of each ingredient of the general standard. In a small-scale business, experiments in determining the dose of media materials is very important in order to obtain the right dose. This is because the fungus is cultivated in different growing environments necessarily require nutrients and different media depending on local environmental conditions. Up to now there is no standard media composition for oyster mushroom cultivation in the lowlands, so that farmers modify the media and the environment based on the experience and condition of each.

As the oyster mushroom growing medium, sawdust serves as a provider of nutrients for fungi. The wood used should hardwood sawdust for the kind of a great potential for increasing crop yields oyster mushrooms. This is because the hard wood contains a lot of cellulose needed by the fungus. The types of hardwood that can be used as a medium for oyster mushroom growing among others sengon, wood village, and mahogany. To get the sawdust farmers must get it in place sawmill. Before being used as a medium usually sebuk timber to be composted first in order to break down into simpler compounds that are easily digested by the fungus. Sawdust composting process is done by closed using a plastic or a tarp for 1-2 days. Composting takes place with both a temperature rise of about 50 degrees.

Alternative materials that can be used to replace the sawdust is a wide variety of grounds, such as coffee grounds, paper pulp, bagasse and dregs of tea. However, based on the experience of the oyster mushroom farmers in the lowlands, a good medium to use fixed sawdust.

Media in the form of bran / corn bran and flour serve as a substrate and a producer of calories for mold growth. Before buying bran and corn flour, you should first make sure these materials are new. If using materials that have long feared has happened fermentation which can result in the growth of unwanted fungi types. Based on the research results, the use of bran or corn teung deliver quality results for the same mushroom nutrient content of the two materials are similar. However, the use of bran is considered more efficient because it can cut costs and tend to be easy because many used as fodder. Limestone (CaCO3) serves as a source of minerals and pH regulator. Ca content in the lime can neutralize the acid released meselium fungus that can cause the pH of the media to be low.

Containers used to put the media mix is ​​heat resistant clear plastic bag (PE 0,002) measuring 20 cm x 30 cm. The composition of seedling media is sawdust 100 kg; 10 kg of maize flour; fine bran or bran 10 kg; 0.5 kg of compost; limestone (CaCO3) 0.5 kg; and 50-60% water. There are two things to consider before planting seedlings mushroom, namely sterilization and sterilization material baglog.
sterilization Material
Before being mixed with other media, assault and bran sterilized timber beforehand using the oven for 6-8 hours at a temperature of 100 degrees C. In addition to the reduced sterilization of microorganisms that cause kontaminsasi also menguranngi water content in sawdust. Thus, the media becomes drier. Both materials are mixed and given kemmudian approximately 50-60% water until the dough becomes smooth and can be clenched. Water works in the absorption of nutrients by the mycelium. Water used to clean water to reduce the risk of contamination of other organisms in the media. In the media into the plastic, the media should be completely the solid so many mushrooms can be generated. So make sure that the ingredients have been pretty solid in plastic by means of pressing the dough until completely solid, then the top ring mounted PVC bag and then a plastic bag closed with cotton stoppers and secured with rubber.
sterilization Baglog
Baglog sterilization is done by inserting baglog to dallam autoclave or heater / steamer with a temperature of 121 degrees C for 15 minutes. To change the use of an autoclave or streamer, can use large capacity drum with or able to accommodate about 50 baglog and heated on a stove oil or can also use the oven. Indeed, sterilization baglog use drum takes longer, which is about 8 hours, but is considered savings.

After the sterilization process is completed, baglog then cooled, by turning off the sterilizer and let the temperature go down little by little. After the cooling process, then planting seedlings mushroom.


One of the critical success oyster mushroom cultivation is cleanliness in the process of cultivation, good cleanliness of the place, the tool, as well as workers. This is because cleanliness is absolutely must be met. For that, a place for planting should be cleaned first with a broom, floor and walls are cleaned with disinfectant. The tools used for planting should also be sterilized using alcohol and heated over a candle flame. In addition, during the planting of the workers also ideally using a mask. It aims to minimize contamination.

In the oyster mushroom cultivation things must also be considered is to keep the room temperature and humidity in order to remain at the required standards. If the weather is dry, hot or windy, it will affect the temperature and humidity in the mushroom house so that the water quickly evaporates. If so, watering frequency should be increased. If the temperature is too high and the humidity is less, can make the body fungus is difficult to grow or not grow. Therefore, also set air circulation inside kumbung so the fungus does not quickly wither and die. Circulation arrangements can be made by partially closing a circulation holes when the wind was strong. Circulation can be opened all when the wind is in the normal speed. However, the important thing is not to mushroom lacked fresh air.


In addition to maintenance baglog, the oyster mushroom cultivation is also necessary treatments to prevent or control pests and diseases that may strike the oyster mushroom. Pests and diseases that attack the oyster mushroom is certainly influenced by environmental or fungus itself. So between the cultivation of the one and the other, pest attack is likely to vary.


The caterpillars are pests most commonly found in oyster mushroom cultivation. There are three factors causing the emergence of these pests are factors moisture, dirt from the rest of the base / tubers or stems mold and mildew are not harvested, and environmental clean walkin.

Caterpillar pests arise when excessive air humidity. Therefore, caterpillar pests are common during the rainy season. Prevention is the best solution to overcome these pests is to regulate air circulation. You do this by opening circulation holes and temporarily halted keumbung watering process.

The base of the mushroom left in the harvesting baglog can cause small animals like ladybugs. Ladybug is the primary cause of caterpillar pests. While the mushrooms are harvested not likely because the fungus does not appear out so missed when harvesting and become rotten. This led to the emergence of caterpillars. Preferably, when harvesting baglog has confirmed it clean so that there is no base or stem and fungi that are not harvested.

Caterpillars may arise because the house mushroom house or around kumbung not berseih. For example their cattle sheds or plant around the house kumbung.

To prevent and overcome caterpillar pests, cleaning of the house and around the house mushroom house mushroom house by spraying formalin.

Ants, Spiders, and Kleket (a type of mollusc):

Mechanically pest ants and spiders can be resolved by dismantling the nest and doused with kerosene. While the Chemish these pests can be controlled by spraying insecticides. This method is the last way and try to avoid using insecticides if the attack is not severe because mushroom products are organic products. Advantage if the eradication of insect pests is done by mechanical means, among others, can cut costs during the treatment and also environmentally friendly. Meanwhile pest kleket baglog often found in the mouth. To control it is done by mechanical means, which is picked by hand.


Another fungus that often interfere with oyster mushroom is Mucor sp., Rhizopus sp., Penicillium sp., And Aspergillus sp. on a substrate or baglog. The attack fungi are pathogenic mycelium is marked by the emergence of black, yellow, green, and the emergence of slime on the substrate. The resulting mycelium-mycelium oyster mushroom growth stunted growth or even not at all. This disease can be caused by environmental and media-making equipment during planting less clean or because the environment is too moist mushroom house. To cope with this disease, the environment and equipment at the time of making media and plantings need to be kept clean. Humidity in kumbung also arranged so as not to overdo it. This disease can attack baglog that have been opened or still closed. If baglog already attacked it must immediately be destroyed in a way removed from kumbung then burned.
stalk Aft

This disease is a physiological disease characterized by elongated mushroom stalk with a small mushroom body can not be fully developed. Elongated stalk diseases caused by excess CO2 as a result of the air vents is less than perfect. To avoid this disease should be carried out in kumbung ventilation settings as optimally as possible.


Harvesting is a farming activity that always awaited by businesses. To obtain optimal results, the planting during harvest and post-harvest should be done well.

Time and How to Harvest Mushroom:
The oyster mushroom cultivation including the types of plants that have a fairly quick harvest. Oyster mushroom harvest can be done within a period of 4o days after seeding or after fruiting body growing up, which is about 2-3 weeks after fruiting bodies are formed. The development of fruiting bodies of oyster mushrooms maximum marked also by meruncngnya the edge of the mushroom. Criteria mushrooms eligible to be harvested is a fungus that is large enough and trimmed pointy but not yet in full bloom or not ruptured. Mushrooms with this condition will not be damaged if it is harvested. There are several requirements that must be met when the product is marketed, eg, uniformity of weight and size of the oyster mushroom.

Post-Harvest Handling Oyster Mushrooms:
Handling is done after harvesting the oyster mushroom aims to create the end result is a good quality in accordance with market demand. Here are some steps that oyster mushrooms produced products of good quality.

Mushrooms are harvested must be immediately washed with clean water, then his body parts were separated deri base. Washing and separation process is important because if, during the cultivation process farmers use pesticides, namely those that the pesticide will settle on the base and still allow the residue contained in the body of the fruit. Once believed to be clean, the sorting process is done to group oyster mushroom by shape and size. It aims to obtain results that are uniform so that will attract consumers when marketed.

Packaging and Transport of Oyster Mushroom Harvest:
Packaging of fresh oyster mushrooms typically use airtight plastic. The less air in the plastic, the more durable the oyster mushroom to be stored. However, ideally with airtight plastic storage can only maintain freshness oyster mushrooms for 2-4 days. Therefore, in order that fresh oyster mushrooms sold are in good condition, the process of transporting / transport should not be too long from the packaging process. Had transportation distance far enough, should be equipped with means of transport refrigerated room.



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