Definition of SMEs in Indonesia

Although I am not an expert in this matter, in order to fill the void in the sub forum small and medium enterprises, so I ventured to make this thread, first of all I would use the term Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) is not only small and medium enterprises, this and refers to the criteria used in the sense of Act No. 20 of 2008 on Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises. So there called Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises and the respective criteria of the business has the understanding and the limitation on the amount of nominal assets and turnover. Maybe Admin can revise the title of sub-forums by adding the word "Micro".

In accordance with Law Number 20 Year 2008 on Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs):

Definition of SMEs
Micro is a productive enterprise belonging to individuals and / or entities that meet the criteria of individual businesses Micro as stipulated in this Law. Criteria asset: Max. 50 Million turnover criteria: Max. 300 million rupiah.

Small Business is an economic enterprise productive stand-alone, conducted by an individual or business entity that is not a subsidiary or not a branch of the company owned, controlled, or be a part either directly or indirectly from medium or large businesses that meet the criteria of business small as defined in this Act. Criteria asset: 50 million - 500 million, criteria Turnover: 300 million - 2.5 billion rupiah.

Medium Enterprises is a productive economic activities that stand alone, carried out by an individual or business entity that is not subsidiaries or branches of companies owned, controlled, or be a part either directly or indirectly by the Small Business or large enterprise with total net assets or annual sales revenue as stipulated in this Law. Criterion assets: 500 million - 10 Billion, turnover criteria:> 2.5 bln - 50 bln rupiah.

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