Indonesia Investment Objective The Second Best After China

Leader companies in the Asia Pacific region put Indonesia as the country's second best investment destination after China and Singapore outperformed known as a center of regional trade and investment.

The survey is based on Price Waterhouse Coopers (PWC), Singapore's only got 46% of respondents chief executive officer (CEO who said it would increase its investment during the next 12 months, under the Indonesian position which got 52%.

The survey of 800 CEOs of companies in the Asia Pacific region on efforts to improve the investment climate in Indonesia.

In response, the Head of Investment Franky Sibarani assess the results of the survey show the CEO APEC members still believe the Indonesian investment climate more conducive.

"The belief that the investment will be well managed, especially by informing the investment policy reforms by the government," he said on the sidelines of the High-Level Conference on Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC Summit) in Manila on Thursday (19 November 2015).

PWC survey states, overall 68% of the investment will be disbursed to the APEC region, the remaining 32% to other regions.

Realized investment in APEC member countries dominate investment flows into Indonesia. Based on data from BKPM, the realization of investments 20 APEC countries in the last five years contributed to 77.5% of the total investment, with a value of US $ 76 billion.

Trends in the realization of investment has increased despite sagging in 2014 due to the weakening global economy.

Position APEC investment realization in 2010 was US $ 9.2 billion, then increased to US $ 10.5 billion in 2011 and US $ 12.8 billion in the next year.

Actual foreign investment rose more sharply to US $ 16.1 billion in 2013, but then declined to US $ 15.1 billion last year.

Meanwhile, the investment realization APEC countries until September 2015 reached US $ 11.9 billion.


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